Last update: 15 December 2024

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the GTC) govern the relationship between the Organiser and the Participant in connection with sporting events (hereinafter referred to as the Event or Events) organised by the Organiser and the athlete, a natural person who participates in such an Event.

For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the Organiser shall be:
Simply, ID:42205778, VAT 2023278642, with registered office K vinohradom 40/13, 951 46 Bádice, registered by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic on 12.05.2011, No. VVS/1-900/90-37616
Edumood, s. r. o. , ID 54 058 899, VAT 2121578778, VAT ID SK2121578778, with registered office at Výstavná 646/7, 949 01 Nitra , registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Nitra, Section Sro, Insert No. 55323/N

I. Conditions of Participation in Events

  1. These General Terms and Conditions are valid for all Participants of the individual Events to which they are clearly related. If necessary, the Organiser will provide interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Anyone who meets all the requirements set out by the Organiser in these General Terms and Conditions and in other documents issued by the Organiser for the Event is entitled to participate in the Event as a Participant.
  3. The Organiser reserves the right to set special conditions for groups of Participants at individual Events at its own discretion and without prior publication.

II. Definition of basic terms

  • Propositions – binding conditions, instructions and information issued by the Event Organizer in written form for, but not limited to, the registration, conduct and evaluation of individual Events.
  • Event Participant – a natural person who meets the conditions for participation in the individual competitive or non-competitive disciplines of the Event.
  • Discipline – a competitive or non-competitive programme of Events, which has clearly defined and distinguishable parameters such as the length of the course, the location of the route, the day, time and place of the start/finish, the method of measurement and evaluation of results, the conditions of participation and other necessary information characterizing such programme component of the Events.
  • Group Discipline – a competitive or non-competitive programme of the Event intended for teams composed of the prescribed number of Participants as specified in the Propositions.
  • Registration – the online process of registering for the Events using the electronic registration form published on the Organiser’s website(
  • Order – a document created in the Online Registration process, which contains information about the Subscriber, the price for registration, including selected additional services or goods, and the data necessary to make payment for such Order.
  • Application form – an electronic document generated after successful completion and submission of the application form in the Online Registration process.
  • Entry Fee – a financial fee set by the Organiser in the Propositions or other similar document, which is paid by the Participant to the Organiser’s account as part of the Registration process.
  • Variable Symbol – a number generated by the system and assigned to the Participant upon registration for the Event on the Organiser’s website for the purpose of identifying the payment of the Entry Fee.
  • Participant Presentation – the presence of a Participant during the process whereby the Organiser, at a predetermined place and time, issues Participants with starting numbers or other participation identifiers and provides them with other information, services and material equipment as defined in the Propositions and Guidelines for Participants of the Events.
  • Start Date – the start date of each Discipline shall be deemed to be the date and time of the start as specified in the Proposition or other similar document issued for each Event for the year in question. This date will be used as the basis for judging compliance with the deadlines in special cases under these General Conditions, such as a Participant’s request for changes to his/her registration, etc.

III. Registration for Events

  1. Registration for the Event is a written procedure that establishes a relationship between the Organiser and an individual defined as an Event Participant. This relationship may not be substituted by representation on the part of the Participant by another natural or legal person, even if such third party acts as a sports club, employer, sponsor or otherwise related to the Participant.
  2. The only way to register for the Events is to register in advance in the form of Online registration, which is available on the Organiser’s website The Online Registration on the aforementioned website includes a payment system for the payment of the entry fee (“Entry Fee”), if applicable for the Event.
  3. From the Registration process, an Order and Application Form are generated in accordance with Article II of these General Terms and Conditions. The Participant can check the registration of the Application on the Organizer’s side in the list of registered Participants on the Organizer’s website unless otherwise decided for the Event.
  4. Registration directly at the Event at the Participants’ Presentation Venue, or at another designated venue, is possible only if the Organiser has specifically given its consent to such procedure.
  5. The Organizer has the right to set a limit on the number of registered Participants in each Event Discipline in advance or at the time of Registration due to capacity, security, logistical or other reasons and also the right to terminate the Registration at any time or to modify the date of its termination.
  6. Duly completed electronic Entry Forms of the Participants of the Events are included in the lists and databases in the order in which they were received by the Organiser.
  7. Each Entrant may only register for one Event Discipline of their choice. The Organizer will allow an exception by a provision in the Propositions, provided that their completion does not jeopardize the sport-technical course of the Event and cannot have a negative impact on the Participant’s health. A Participant in several Disciplines of the Event must meet all the conditions of the individual Disciplines of the Event in which he/she participates without reservation.
  8. Registration for Group Disciplines (e.g. Relay, etc.) shall be governed by the specific guidelines issued for such Disciplines.

IV. Validity and Acceptance of Entry for Events

  1. An entry form that is not accompanied by the payment of the Entry Fee credited to the Organiser’s account is incomplete. The Organiser will decide whether to keep such an Entry Form on file for further communication with the Participant. In such a case, the Participant shall not be entitled to keep the Entry Form on file, nor shall the Participant be entitled to start the Event, even after payment of the overdue Entry Fee. The decision on the final assessment of an invalid Entry remains the sole responsibility of the Organiser.
  2. The Organiser has the right not to accept the Entry Form and not to allow the start of the Event, even if the Entry Fee has been paid, if:
    1. The Participant has provided incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information in the Application Form.
    2. The Participant has been convicted of a doping offence in the past by an authorised national or international body.
    3. The Participant has been disqualified in the past at one of the Events organized by the Organizer.
    4. The Participant has a proven history of behaviour that is in breach of these General Terms and Conditions or the Event Propositions.

V. Non-transferability of Registration and Start Number

Participation in the Events is a personal and non-transferable right that accrues only to the Participant by fulfilling all the conditions of registration for the Events. The basic identifier of the Participant is, from a safety, health and sporting technical point of view, his unique starting number assigned by the Organiser (unless a different participation identifier is decided for the Event). The starting number assigned to the Participant of the Event is non-transferable to another person. In the event of a breach of this provision of the General Conditions, the persons who are proven to be in breach of this provision run the risk of disqualification in the Event and also of being banned from taking part in the Events in the future period.

VI. Start-up fees and related processes

  1. The amount of the starting fee
    1. The amount of the Entry Fee for individual Events and Disciplines of these Events shall be announced by the Organiser in the Event Propositions or in another document designated for this purpose.
    2. The Entry Fee for Events depends on the chosen Discipline, the date of registration and the date of payment of the Entry Fee. The Participant is obliged to pay the Entry Fee in the amount prescribed for the date on which the funds will be credited to the Organiser’s account.
    3. Additional amounts may be added to the Entry Fee during the Registration process if the Participant orders additional services or goods offered during the Online Registration process. In such case, the Participant must pay the full amount prescribed, otherwise the Entry Fee will be assessed as unpaid with all the consequences under these General Terms and Conditions and other conditions of participation in the Event.
    4. In the event of payment of a different (i.e. lower) amount than the prescribed amount, the Organiser considers such Application as invalid and may exclude it from further Registration process.
  2. Payment of the entry fee
    1. By credit card
      Payment of the entry fee can only be made by credit card, except for the exceptions stated in these General Terms and Conditions.

      The following credit cards are accepted:
  • Master Card
  • Master Card Electronic
  • VISA
  • VISA Electron
  • Diners Club International.
  1. By bank transfer
    Payment of the entry fee by bank transfer is possible only in the case of bulk payment of registration codes on the basis of a proper and confirmed by the Organizer order of a person interested in such codes and in special cases, which are decided individually by the Organizer itself. The Organiser must agree to such payment in writing and has the right to set additional conditions.
  2. Registration code
  • Payment of the entry fee with a registration code is intended for those Participants who obtain such a code directly from the Organizer or from one of the Event’s contractual partners.
  • An Entrant who has paid the Entry Fee by registration code is not entitled to transfer his/her Entry (Start) to another Entrant according to a special procedure, nor is he/she entitled to transfer his/her Entry (Start) to the next edition of the Event.
  • In the event of payment by registration code, all obligations and rights of the Participant arising from his/her participation in the Event as set out in these General Terms and Conditions shall remain in force.

When paying the Entry Fee for Participants of Group disciplines (e.g. Relay 3 x 1/3, etc.) or if the Participant pays the Entry Fee in one payment for several Participants of the Event, the Organizer will communicate only with the Participant who has made such payment in the matter of payment.

  1. Payment of the entry fee
    Individual confirmations (notifications) for the Registration and Entry Fee payment processes are generated automatically and are sent to Participants’ email addresses.
  • Confirmation of registration for the Event – is a confirmation of the successful registration of the Participant for the Event in the chosen Discipline. This confirmation is for informational purposes only without the payment of the Entry Fee to the Organiser’s account.
  • Order creation information – is a confirmation of successful creation and submission of an Order for the Event. It contains information about the selected Discipline and all additional services and goods ordered by the Participant in the Registration process and payment details.
  • Confirmation of payment received for the order – a tax document generated by the registration system after the payment has been paired with the Order.

VII. Cancellation of Start

The possibilities of cancelling the start, moving the start, or changing the Discipline are always regulated in more detail by the Propositions and the conditions of registration of the particular Event. Therefore, the procedures and options below may not always be available for every Event.

  1. If the Participant cancels his/her start, the paid Entry Fee is not refunded by the Organizer.
  2. A Registered Participant who fails to attend the Participant Presentation and fails to collect his/her Entry Number is not entitled to a refund of the Entry Fee nor to a refund of any other payments made in connection with participation. In such case, the Organiser shall have no obligation to provide or otherwise compensate such Participant for the services ordered or to hand over or otherwise deliver to such Participant material equipment and items related to the start of the Event.
  3. The possibilities of cancelling the start, moving the start, or changing the discipline are always regulated by the Regulations of the particular Event.

VIII. Communication between the Organiser and the Participant

  1. The method of communication between the Organiser and the Participant is based on the Participant’s authentic e-mail address provided in the Participant’s Application Form and the Organiser’s e-mail address provided on the Organiser’s website and in the Event Propositions.
  2. The Organiser shall inform the Participant about all essential issues of the Event by sending messages to their authentic e-mail address.
  3. The Organiser is not responsible if the Participant’s email address is not correct or updated to receive such information.
  4. The Organiser is not responsible if the Participant’s email address is incorrect or has not been updated to receive such information.
  5. For capacity reasons, the Organizer cannot guarantee answers to questions and requests sent by the Participant to the Organizer’s e-mail address, to other addresses related to the Organizer’s activities (Facebook, Instagram, …), or to the handling of such requests via phone calls to the Organizer’s headquarters.
  6. The Organiser recommends that Participants carefully read all relevant documents issued for the Events to avoid the need for other forms of communication. Such documents include:
    1. General conditions,
    2. Propositions,
    3. Final instructions,
    4. Frequently asked questions,
    5. Programme of Events,
    6. Newsletters Events.

IX. Performance provided by the Participant for payment of the Entry Fee

  1. The Organizer shall define annually the scope of services and material products to be provided to the duly registered Participants of the Events. This performance will be published on the Organiser’s website. The Organiser may, if necessary, define a limited number, quality or other parameter of such performance depending on the total number of registered Participants or the date on which the Participant has registered for the Event.
  2. The Participant shall not be entitled to services or material products provided by the Event Partners as gifts or sponsorship benefits in the framework of the Events if the specified number of such benefits agreed between the Partner and the Organiser has been exhausted.

X. Safety of Participants

The safety issues of the Participants in the Events are regulated as follows:

  1. The events will take place in all weather conditions. However, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Event in the event of a serious hazard such as, but not limited to, extreme fluctuations in air temperature, otherwise extremely inclement weather, the danger of a terrorist attack and other unforeseen events and circumstances that could endanger the health and safety of Participants, members of the Organizing Teams and spectators. In this case, the Participant is not entitled to a refund of the entry fee.
  2. Organizational and safety instructions regarding participation in the Event will be communicated by the Organizer to the Event Participants in an appropriate manner (by e-mail, publication on the Organizer’s website, in the Event Newsletter, …) in good time prior to the Event. Each Event Participant is obliged to comply with these instructions and the measures resulting from them.
  3. Each Event Participant is obliged to respect and follow the instructions of the designated members of the Organizing Team and the Event Organizers throughout the duration of the Event.
  4. The use of any technical equipment or devices that may favour the Participant or interfere with other Participants or endanger the health of Participants and spectators is prohibited. Participation of competitors on bicycles, bicycle skates, skateboards, scooters, skates and other sports and walking aids is strictly prohibited.
  5. Participation of a competitor with a child in a carriage is also forbidden in all disciplines of the Event, unless otherwise stated in the Regulations of a particular Event.
  6. The use of inline skates, handbikes and wheelchairs for disabled Participants is only allowed in Disciplines that are specifically designated for this purpose.
  7. Accompanying Entrants by other persons on the Event course by walking, running, bicycles and similar transport devices is prohibited and may result in disqualification of the Entrant so accompanied. Only persons accredited and duly identified by the Organiser may ride bicycles or similar transport devices on the course for the purpose of carrying out the tasks defined by the Organiser.
  8. In the event that a Participant has demonstrably failed to follow the prescribed course of a given Event Discipline, has disrupted the safety of Participants and/or spectators, or has otherwise behaved unsportingly, the Organiser is entitled to prohibit the Participant from continuing in the Event and disqualify him/her.
  9. Disqualification of a Participant is possible even if the Participant completes the race and subsequently proves such conduct. In matters of disqualification, the Organiser shall be governed by the rules of athletics as amended by the relevant documents of World Athletics (WA) and the Slovak Athletics Federation (SAZ) in addition to these General Conditions.
  10. Members of the Event Health Service are entitled to prohibit a Participant from starting or continuing to participate in the Event if it is necessary to protect the Participant’s health on the basis of an objective assessment of the Participant’s health condition by a qualified member of the Event Health Service.

XI. Exclusion of liability

  1. In the event that the Organiser is forced to cancel the Event before the start of the Event or during the Event due to force majeure, weather, war, terrorism or any other threat, the Participants shall not be entitled to a refund of the Entry Fee. This provision is based on the fact that the Organiser has incurred the costs of preparing the Event at a time prior to the actual act of cancelling the Event.
  2. All Participants in the Events start at their own risk. The Organiser is not liable for any material damage, loss of property or damage to health related to participation in the Event or the Participant’s travel to and stay at the Event venue. It is the Participant’s responsibility to arrange for an appropriate medical examination, to obtain information about his/her medical condition in connection with the decision to participate in any Discipline of the Event. The Organiser shall always consider as binding and relevant the Participant’s declaration of his/her health and state of readiness for the chosen Discipline of the Event as stated in the Application Form for the Event.
  3. Each Participant in the Events shall individually and on his/her own behalf arrange accident insurance, health insurance, medical expenses insurance or other types of insurance at his/her own discretion.

XII. Data Protection and Related Processes

  1. The Organiser processes the Participants’ personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council (GDPR) and Act No.18/2018 on the protection of personal data.
  2. The Organiser declares that all personal data is confidential and will be used only for the performance of the Order issued by the Participant and confirmed by the Organiser, to inform the Participant about further steps and activities of the Organiser and its contractual partners within the framework of the Events project.
  3. The terms and conditions for processing personal data and the specifications of the specific personal data to the processing of which the Participant consents are contained here.
  4. Photographs, film footage, interviews and other forms of recording of the Participant relating to his/her participation in the Events are available for the use of the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to archive and publicly publish said records in all forms. No legal, financial, material or other claim shall arise for the Participant in the event of such publication.

XIII. Final and special provisions

These General Terms and Conditions come into force on 15.12.2024 and are valid without time limitation.

The Organiser reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions.